OSIEA promotes vibrant and inclusive democracies in Eastern Africa. founded in 2005 OSIEA plays and active role encouraging informed dialogues about issues of public importance . we promote democratic governance justice, human rights, quality and non discriminations respect for the rule of law and peotections of rights of mirnorities. we play a key role in amplifying the voives that promotes open society ideals. we do this though grant-making research and advocacy OSIEA works in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan, and South Sudan
in collaboorating with the open society foundations thematic programme the public health program the programme officers core duties will entail provision of technical support in identifications and fostering of effective grant making relationsh in a dynamic creative and committed manner with a focus on a bu not limited to pallitive care governance for health and equality and social inclusion
- collaborate within and beyond the program team including building partnership beyond OSF to develop knowledge content idenfiying emerging trends including conducting strong field assesment employing a right based-lens
- advance the concept of evidence based and right based programming through continous legal and policy analysis on relevant topic in the region for internal and external audiences
- support identifications of capcity and institutional development opportunities in partnership organizations
- support networks/coalition building opportunities for joint advocacy with grantees and constituents trargeting governing, donor, agencies, services provider and the general public
- oversees adminstratives duties within the progra, and supervising of consultants
- advanced degree in relevant field
- 6 years wok experience
- strong written and verbal communications skills ain English and one other East Eastern Africa region
- experience inunbderstanding of grants making work
- experience working with NGO
- ability to manage several sttimulaneous projects in a fast paced enviroment
- integrity, team work, diplomacy, and professionalism will be essential
- willingness to travel freequently as needed
Suitably qualified candidates shouls mail their resumes and cover letters to jobs@osiea.org
source the Citizen May 19, 2017
deadline 4 June 2017
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